Saturday, October 25, 2008

Advert Warfare

One of my nightly routines of late is watching The Daily Show on these, the intarwebz. I love being able to watch it whenever I feel like it and for the most part avoid advertisements. There are short mini commercials sprinkled about the show like evil confetti but it's still a hundredth the volume of normal television. The only problem is that for a week or month or something it's the same ad every god damned time. I've seen this Black Berry advert like five hundred times. I know the ad isn't working because it doesn't entice me to buy the product, but it is working in the war of attrition the company is waging with me. I want to buy a Black Berry just so maybe, maybe the commercial will go away. I can't take it anymore. It's the repetition you know, it breaks down your will, it makes you breaks everyone in the end........

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Love Letter To The Mac-10

I don't really update this blog anymore, but damn it, I needed to say this! And please note, I'm only talking about the incarnation of the weapon featured in Counter Strike: Source.

The Mac-10 is the worst piece of shit that has ever been produced by mankind. It's so shitty that if there were a machine made of shit, into which you fed babies and from which was produced more shit, it would still be better than the Mac-10. At least the Baby-To-Shit-Shitmachine does what it's fucking supposed to do, turn babies into shit. Fuck the Mac-10, fuck anyone who says it doesn't suck balls, and fuck the guy who programmed the shittiness right into the game for us. FUCK.

Now that I've done that, I'll go play some more CS:S.